Crypto Portfolio Tracker

Track your cryptocurrency investments with real-time price updates and advanced analytics

Portfolio Overview

Portfolio Value


+0.00% 24h

Total Profit/Loss


+0.00% ROI

Total Invested


Cost Basis

Best Performer


+0.00% ROI

Portfolio Performance

Asset Distribution

Asset Performance

Your Crypto Assets

Asset Holdings Avg Buy Price Current Price Total Value 24h Change 7d Change Profit/Loss ROI Actions
Page 1 of 1

Transaction History

Date Type Asset Amount Price Total Fee Exchange Notes

Learn More About Our Tracker

Everything you need to know about managing your crypto portfolio effectively

About Crypto Portfolio Tracker

Our Crypto Portfolio Tracker is a comprehensive tool designed to help you monitor and manage your cryptocurrency investments in real-time. Built with the latest technology and powered by reliable market data, this tracker offers everything you need for successful portfolio management.

Real-Time Tracking

Live price updates and portfolio valuation with automatic synchronization. Stay informed about your investments 24/7.

Advanced Analytics

Comprehensive performance metrics, distribution analysis, and ROI calculations to make informed decisions.

Data Management

Seamless import/export functionality and secure local data storage for complete control over your portfolio data.

How to Use This Tracker


Adding Your First Asset

Click the "Add Crypto" button at the top of the page. Search for your cryptocurrency, enter the quantity, purchase price, and date. You can also add optional details like exchange, fees, and tags.


Monitoring Your Portfolio

Use the Overview tabs to track your portfolio's performance. The Summary tab shows quick stats, Holdings displays your asset distribution, and Performance provides detailed metrics.


Managing Your Assets

Use the action buttons in the Assets table to view details, edit holdings, or remove assets. Keep your portfolio up to date by regularly syncing prices using the "Sync Prices" button.


Analyzing Performance

Use the charts section to analyze your portfolio's performance over different time periods. Toggle between value and ROI views, and explore the distribution of your assets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data secure?

Yes, all your portfolio data is stored locally in your browser. We don't store any of your information on our servers. You can export your data anytime for backup.

How often are prices updated?

Prices are automatically updated every 5 minutes when auto-update is enabled. You can also manually update prices using the "Sync Prices" button.

Can I import data from other platforms?

Yes, you can import portfolio data using our JSON format. Export your data from your current platform and use the "Import" button to load it into the tracker.

How do I track multiple purchases?

Each purchase can be added as a separate transaction. The tracker will automatically calculate your average purchase price and total holdings.

What happens if I clear my browser data?

Clearing browser data will remove your portfolio information. We recommend regularly exporting your data as a backup using the "Export" button.

Which cryptocurrencies are supported?

We support thousands of cryptocurrencies through integration with CoinGecko's API. You can search for any cryptocurrency when adding a new asset.